Saturday, June 2, 2007

japan used car dealer

Skin Care Treatment Products for Acne May Exacerbate the Problem

Although acne is generally considered to be an oily skin problem caused by excess sebum production, those with dry skin are just as susceptible. In fact, it is possible that that adult acne now affecting about 20 percent of the population and climbing - is caused by years of using harsh skin care treatment products that eventually result in dry skin, which then leads to acne. Acne treatment products then further dry the skin and youre off into the vicious cycle of the cure becoming the cause. How do you handle this? As always, prevention is the easiest route - best done by choosing skin care treatment products that dont cause dry skin or other damage but, no matter what your skin type, if you understand what causes acne, you will find it much easier to prevent, and cure. Heres how it works.

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